We believe young children learn best through constructive play, so we provide rich opportunities for children to:
Our play-based program is based on the Illinois Early Learning Standards and enriches children's social-emotional, cognitive, language and physical development.
- Social/Emotional: We provide learning opportunities that acknowledge and respect individuality, encourage a sense of independence, and ultimately build self-esteem. We provide opportunities for friendships to develop and model appropriate social problem-solving techniques.
- Cognitive: We provide opportunities that encourage children to think, solve problems, and enjoy the process of learning new ideas.
- Language: We provide opportunities for children to use their language skills to ask questions and express their ideas. We guide children to explore print and books and help them develop early reading and writing skills.
- Physical: We provide a wide range of fine and gross motor activities. We also provide nutritious snacks that set the stage for lifelong fitness and health.
Our Daily Schedule
Arrival Activities - 15 minutes
When children first arrive at school, they are encouraged to choose from a variety of activities. They can explore these activities with their parents, other children or the teachers.
Circle Time & Story - 20 minutes
This large group time helps to create classroom community and gives children the opportunity to engage in a variety of literacy activities such as class discussions, shared writing (on charts), fingerplays and listening to stories.
Discovery Time - 1 hour
Children are encouraged to take initiative and choose activities in a variety of learning centers. The teachers and working parents actively interact with the children by asking them to reflect on their discoveries, suggesting ways to extend their activities and guiding them to use appropriate social skills. The teachers may also plan to work with children in small groups during this time.
Snack & Sharing - 15 minutes
As children engage in conversation with each other and the teachers and working parents, they develop important language and social skills. Children also learn self-help skills as they serve their own snack and assist with clean up.
Circle Time & Music- 20 minutes
Another large group time gives children the opportunity to share ideas, listen to others and experience community. Large group activities include movement activities, fingerplays, singing and rhythm instruments.
Outdoor/Large Motor Play- 20 minutes
Daily exercise and time outdoors are essential for health and gross motor development. Children play outside and run, jump, climb, ride, throw and catch. If it is not possible to go outside, teachers plan active games and activities in the classroom.
When children first arrive at school, they are encouraged to choose from a variety of activities. They can explore these activities with their parents, other children or the teachers.
Circle Time & Story - 20 minutes
This large group time helps to create classroom community and gives children the opportunity to engage in a variety of literacy activities such as class discussions, shared writing (on charts), fingerplays and listening to stories.
Discovery Time - 1 hour
Children are encouraged to take initiative and choose activities in a variety of learning centers. The teachers and working parents actively interact with the children by asking them to reflect on their discoveries, suggesting ways to extend their activities and guiding them to use appropriate social skills. The teachers may also plan to work with children in small groups during this time.
Snack & Sharing - 15 minutes
As children engage in conversation with each other and the teachers and working parents, they develop important language and social skills. Children also learn self-help skills as they serve their own snack and assist with clean up.
Circle Time & Music- 20 minutes
Another large group time gives children the opportunity to share ideas, listen to others and experience community. Large group activities include movement activities, fingerplays, singing and rhythm instruments.
Outdoor/Large Motor Play- 20 minutes
Daily exercise and time outdoors are essential for health and gross motor development. Children play outside and run, jump, climb, ride, throw and catch. If it is not possible to go outside, teachers plan active games and activities in the classroom.
Guidelines & Standards
Our curriculum is based on the following guidelines and standards:
- The Illinois Early Learning Standards
- Conscious Discipline by Dr. Becky Bailey
- The Creative Curriculum by by Diane Trister Dodge, Laura J. Colker, Cate Heroman
- NAEYC Curriculum Standards